Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year, A New Attitude

The Bible has much to say about gratitude and thankfulness. It is clearly a matter of the heart. I want to start this year off by listing several things that I'm thankful for each evening before bed. What a great way to refocus my heart and mind! What a great way to set the tone before going to sleep! I am excited to make a habit of bedtime gratitude.

Here is my January 1, 2010 gratitude list:
1. I am thankful for a great, relaxing day with my family. We took down the tree together, cleaned everything up, had a nice dinner in the DR tonight (Nicholas had to work until 10PM), then Michael, Emily and I played two games of Yahtzee - I lost miserably - then Emily and I played Phase 10 and she beat me too! But it was all good.

2. A fire in the fireplace on a really cold day, time to read, exercise, organize, cross stitch, play games and just relax!

3. Starting a new year with everyone healthy, happy and together.

4. A crisp winter morning with a gorgeous blue sky this morning!

Thank you Lord for loving me and for so many blessings that I in no way deserve!

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