Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Challenge

It's actually harder than I expected to come up with new and different, sincere and impactful things that I am thankful for every single day. And I consider myself a pretty thankful person! It's easy to just repeat or repackage the same few top items over and over, but that is not what this blog is about. I want to be sincerely, deeply and uniquely thankful, each and every day, for the specific blessings of that particular day.

Yesterday (Jan 5)I was thankful for:
*Two dogs who mostly get along, play well, and give LOTS of love to all of us :)
*A restful evening with my husband, in front of a lovely crackling fire, cross stitching, playing Skip-Bo (card game) and watching news and football together.
*Timing that worked out - got lots of cleaning and chores done in between and around a necessary trip to Kroger - where I got EVERYTHING I needed.

I love when I have a bunch of random little things to do in a day and it works out that by dinner time, every single item is done plus a few that I hadn't remembered or noticed until I walked past them - like a basket of laundry plus clean stuff in the dryer :).

Thankful for so many things...

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