Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 2 and 3, 2010
Well, they say it takes two weeks to create a new habit, maybe more for some of us, and it is obvious that I need more focus to actually remember to post! I did, however, pray before bed and share with God what I was thankful for yesterday. As such, I will post both days points of gratitude today.

January 2 I am thankful for:
*A fire in the fireplace and time to enjoy it while still finishing up the cleaning, reorganizing and packing away of Christmas
*Relaxing time with my children to invest in their lives
*A nice dinner with Michael, Emily and Noah Cypher
*Time to stitch, read, cook, talk and still get all things done at home

January 3 I am thankful for:
*Sweet time sharing heart to heart with Nicholas
*A wonderful morning at our precious church with precious friends
*Great lunch visit with Anna Duncan
*Afternoon NAP!!
*Evening time helping Emily get ready to start classes tomorrow, play with Cassie together and watch "Holiday" with Michael and Richard

The blessings have been so sweet from this weekend and I am so thankful to God for filling my heart over these last days! I pray the Lord would help me to continue to see ALL of the blessings I enjoy every day and to be mindful to post the most meaningful ones each day as a reminder to me and an encouragement to others.

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