Monday, August 31, 2009

My First Thoughts

August 31, 2009

This season of my life is exciting but it also has created some anxiety and sadness. I have done much praying, some reading, sharing with dear friends and still I find that I have much on my heart that I want to share. I believe this blog will give me an outlet to speak from my heart, seek God and work out the path God has for me in this next phase of my life, both as a wife and mother, but probably more importantly, as a woman.

After being a Mom for nearly 23 years, it is almost unthinkable to separate that title from who I am. It has most often been the FIRST title that I wear, and the most time-consuming, rewarding and exhausting one as well. Poor Richard! Wife has long been second...or third. I look forward to reordering those priorities, taking on new challenges, new structure to my day...lots of new things. I normally don't really embrace change but right now I am looking forward to it!

I am amazed at how this 'emptying nest' hits my emotions when I am not expecting it. Today I just really missed Michael's great hugs! Even now, tears well up as I think about my big guy bounding down the stairs excitedly telling me about something he just figured out on his computer or a new book he is going to get. I know growing up is normal, going off to college is normal, striking out on their own is normal. That is how my head sees it, but my heart often goes it alone.

In the weeks and months to come, I hope to share not only my heart, but resources, quotes, Scripture and stories from others who are walking somewhere through this same phase of life.

Thanks for reading my humble beginnings...

Seeking my Savior,